
Water & Sewer
Water and sewer services are provided by City of Salem. Water system handles 5 mgd through 12 inch and 24 inch pipes.
In 2014, the construction of a 2.2 million gallon reservoir was completed to meet the water system development needs at the Mill Creek Corporate Center and surrounding properties.
Additionally in 2018, the City of Salem completed a new waterline in the area of Site D to allow for flow redundancy within the Mill Creek Corporate Center.

PGE offers low-cost electrical power and a stable electrical supply infrastructure. Average industrial rates are about half that of California’s (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010).
For large commercial and industrial users, rates are estimated at 6.7/KwH for loads up to 10 MW. Able to build new substation if needed.
PGE offers programs and services including:
Distributed Standby Generation (DSG)
Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs
Green Power Pricing Options
PGE’s Smart Meters and Energy Tracking
Natural Gas
Offered by NW Natural. 4 inch main pipeline at 225 psig/Aumsville Hwy, or 6 inch main at 50 psig in the Home Depot Court.

Four service providers with fiber optic lines and data transfer speeds of gigabyte to terabyte.

Traffic Flow
In 2017, a new traffic signal was installed at the intersection of Kuebler Boulevard and Mill Creek Drive to assist with future traffic circulation and demand.

Mill Creek Open Space
100 acres of open space area in the Mill Creek Corporate Center serves as stormwater detention. No wetland mitigation is required for development.