Single-Sales Factor: Corporate income tax for companies located in Oregon is assessed only on sales within the state.
Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption: New investment within the Enterprise Zone can receive property tax abatement for three to five years.
Strategic Investment Zone: Projects with capital investments exceeding $100 million are eligible for partial property tax abatement for 15 years.
Workforce Training Grants: Reimbursement to offset costs incurred for employee training.
State Strategic Reserve Fund (SRF): Grant to offset costs for expanding business.
State Business Expansion Program: Forgivable loan for companies that generate certain number of employees above average wage.
Foreign Trade Zone: Similar to what is known internationally as free trade zones. Goods and merchandise are not subject to tariffs.
E-Commerce Tax Credit: 25% income tax credit for capital assets used in E-commerce operations.
Construction In-Process: Unfinished facility improvements exempt from local property taxes for up to two years.